The Misadventures of Pinocchio the Radical Robot Girl
Mystery! Music! Mayhem!
A Bohemians Theatre Company production of ‘The Misadventures of Pinocchio: The Radical Robot Girl!'
Set in post-apocalyptic Wales, we meet a radical robot girl named Pinocchio. She lives inside a cosy little bunker with her caring father Joe. Everything is normal. Well, as normal as it can be when the world’s ended... But one day, Pinocchio discovers something that’ll change her life forever...
Written by Joel Nash and Benji Mowbray
Lighting design by Cara Hood
Set and Costume Design by Meggie Settle
Musical Supervisor/ Arrangements and Sound Design by Elliot Mackenzie
Produced by The Bohemians Theatre Company
Design Process
After discussions with the writer and director of the Bohemians Theatre Company we considered the importance of the touring element of this production. The whole basis for the production was creating a show that was like an old travelling troupe, musicianship was the centre of the show and so I didn't want any of the instruments to be hidden behind set elements but instead have them in full view of the audience, so that they could appreciate the skilled storytellers of the cast. With the instruments as set dressing we then focused on creating the different settings for the show focusing on making them lightweight, made of recycled materials and with as little damaging scenic materials as possible. Due to the setting for this show being in a post apocalypse world, we could play with the idea of found items for the costumes, and I'm pleased to say that all clothing elements were bought from charity shops with only the shoes and the robot armour pieces being bought online. If you are interested about more of my design development please feel free to get in contact through my email.